Blind Lhasa beggar. Spy and courier for the Mimang and other groups. Escaped to India after Uprising. JN met him in Dharamshala in 1969. Left for Mundgod. Died in 1970.

Amche (doctor) Anen-la
Member of original “Mimang”. Was selected as one of the 60 representatives of the public on 10th March. Fate unknown. Previously worked with two American missionaries at 11th Mile in Kalimpong to treat sick Tibetans.

Tsatultsang Drunyik (name unknown)
secretary of the Tsatultsang mercantile family

Barshi Tsedrung Ngawang Tenkyong
Tsedrung Organization
One of the leading officials who spread the information to the public of the Dalai Lama’s visit to the Chinese Military HQ. Escaped.

Tsedrung Yung-gon Yeshi Dhargay
Tsedrung Organization
He came from the family of the Yungon Talama who was the Dalai Lama’s appointed custodian of the Yellow Temple (Yung-gon or Yonghe) in Beijing. Yeshi Dhargay was a Norbulingka defender but managed to escape. He became a teacher at the Tibetan school in Darjeeling and Kalimpong. He is survived by a daughter. [BAR]

Tsedrung Jampa Tendar
Tsedrung Organization

Tsendrung Yeshi Lhundup
Tsedrung Organization

Ngawang Lekden
Tsedrung Organization
Abbot of Gyume

Seynang Lobsang Yeshi
Tsedrung Organization
Former monk official
Bhod Rangwang Langdren Tsokpa

Barshi Tsedrung Ngawang Tenkyong
Tsedrung Organization
One of the leading officials who spread the information to the public of the Dalai Lama’s visit to the Chinese Military HQ. Escaped.

Manang Abo

Maja Tsewang Gyurme
[JN interview]

Gyakpon Kalsang Damdul

Tsawa Mani Trulku
From Tsawarong.

Chone Jhepa Alak Jampel
From Amdo Chone.

Tsedrung Jampa Yonten, aka Kendrong Sey
School name Dorje Damdul.

Drungkor Phuntsok Wangdu Jangde

Lhenga Tseten Namgyal
[JN interview]

Manang Abo, Pema Tsewang
Son of chieftain of one of the 18 Tribes of Markham. Lived mostly in Lhasa and was friendly with many Tibetan officials. Related to Surkhang. Widely travelled to Calcutta, Shanghai, and Tokyo etc. During WWII recruited by Japanese intelligence “…he had come to the conclusion that the Japanese were the best to work with in view of the great changes in the power structure of Asia and the necessity for political reforms for Tibet’s survival in the new world that was emerging.” (source Paul Hyer). Escaped to India. Formed the “Mimang (People’s) Party”, the first democratic political party-in-exile (with Markham Thoesam and others) following the Dalai Lama’s announcement of a democratic constitution. Had disagreements with Gyalo Thondup. He and Thoesam were denounced as Chinese spies and arrested by Indian intelligence and interned for many years in a concentration camp in Rajasthan. Died in 1969?

Seynang Lobsang Yeshi
[DL, GP, etc.]

Amdo Chonden
[NW, KD]

Amdo Samdup

Tsarong Dasang Dadul
Former commander in chief of the Tibetan army under 13th Dalai Lama.

Dzasak Lobsang Tsewang Moenkiling

Kusangtse Dzasa, Sonam Wangdu

Former prime-minister Sitsab Lobsang Tashi
Captured at Norbulingka. Imprisoned. Died shortly afterwards.

Manang Abo, Pema Tsewang
People's elected representatives
Son of chieftain of one of the 18 Tribes of Markham. See above for more details.

Markham Ledrungtsang, Chime Gyaltsen
People's elected representatives

Amchi Anen
People's elected representatives
He was member of the first underground Mimang organization.

Shol Tatongpa, Tseten Phuntsok
Government stable in-charge
TK describes him describes him as “man in his forties with light speckled hair (tra ser-tsup-tsup) like a Caucasian) and reports his speech.
[BAR, NW & TK]

Kopon Nyerpa, Wangchuk
People's elected representatives
TK also confirms and describes him as old white haired government coracle-supervisor.
[NW, TK]

Ganden Abrala
People's elected representatives
A Monk from Ganden with the nickname of “Abra” or Marmot probably a nickname.

Palace storeroom worker

Yabshi Dzodpa (treasurer) Lhakyap
People's elected representatives
TS says he died in Chinese Laogai camp of starvation.
[NW, TS]

Phala Pelgong Chanzoe Loyon
People's elected representatives
TS says he died in Chinese Laogai camp of starvation.
[NW, TS]

Ngawang Chophel
Monk official