
Raja Hutheesing (ed), Tibet Fights For Freedom – A White Book, Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom, Orient Longmans, Bombay, 1966.

Information Office, Tibetan National Uprising: 20th Anniversary of the 10th March 1959, Information Office, Central Tibetan Secretariat, Dharamshala, 1979.

Gopal Singh (Dr.). M.P. National Integration, Tibet Issue, Independence Number. 1964 Delhi.

Lowell Thomas, Jr. The Silent War in Tibet, Doubleday & Co, New York 1959.

George Patterson, Tibet In Revolt, Faber and Faber, London 1960.

Noel Barber, The Flight of the Dalai Lama, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1960

Noel Barber, From the Land of Lost Content, Collins, London, 1969.

Ginsburg, George and Mathos, Michael. “Communist China’s Impact on Tibet: The First Decade” Far Eastern Survey, Vol. 29, No. 7. (July,1960), pp. 102–109.

Warren W. Smith (1996). The Tibetan Nation: A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan relations. Westview Press. p. 444-5

Avedon, John. In Exile from the Land of Snows: The Definitive Account of the Dalai Lama and Tibet Since the Chinese Conquest (1997) Harper Perennial.

David Patt, A Strange Liberation: Tibetan Lives in Chinese Hands by, Snow Lion Publications, USA, (1992). Accounts of two Tibetans.

Paul Hyer “Japanese Imperialism and Tibetan Independence” Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia, 1895-1945, RoutledgeCurzon London/New York, 2003 ed by Li Narangoa, R. B. Cribb , p84-85.

International Commission of Jurists, The Question of Tibet and the Rule of Law, Geneva, 1959

Dalai Lama, My Land and my People,: McGraw-Hill, New York/London. 1962

Shakabpa, Tsepon Wangchuk Deden, trans. Derek F. Maher, One Hundred Thousand Moons: An Advanced Political History of Tibet. Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2010. Volume 2.

Namgyal Wangdu (Gyaltse), Political and Military History of Tibet, 2 volumes translated by Yeshi Dhondup, LTWA 2010 p176-197. (In English)

Tsering Shakya, The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947, Pimlico, London 1999.

Tibet Under Chinese Communist Rule: A Compilation of Refugee Statements 1958-1975, Information and Publicity Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dharamshala, 1976.

Dundul Namgyal Tsarong, In the Service of His Country: The Biography of Dasang Damdul Tsarong Commander General of Tibet, Snow Lion Publications, Ithica NY, 2000.

Lhalu Tsewang Tsewang Dorje: Bod kyi lo rgyus rig gnas dpyad gzhi’ rgyu cha’dams bsrigs ( Bod rang skyong ljongs sred gros lo rgyus dpyad gzhi’ rgyu cha’dams bsrigs, 7 (spychi don thengs 16 pa.) (Materials on the culture and history of Tibet) 1993, Minorities Publishing House.

Dronyer Chenmo Phala Thupten Woenden (Sku tshe’i lo rgyus hrag bsdus ,) An Brief Life History, Oral History Series No 2. LTWA, 1996.

Namseling Paljor Jigme, Mi tshe’i lo rgyus dang ‘bril yod sna tshogs, My Life History and Other stories, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, 1988.

Barshi Tsedrung Ngawang Tenkyong, Mi tshe’i lo rgyus Ngos Jhung Denpae Rang sGra, (The Natural Sound of my True Life Story) Oral History Series 20, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, No date.

Chokteng Thupten Norsang (Kasur) Jhawa Las kyi Khorloe Namshag, Karmic Results from the Wheel of Existence), Self published 2004, India.

Tarawa Tenzin Choenyi (Khenchung Donga Tharchin), Rang Nyi Ngo Troe. (An Introduction to Myself) Oral History Series 18 Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, 2005.

Dongak Tenzin, Drapchi, bio p37-50. Shulring metsei jhung rab nay dhus. Oral History Series. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, 2002

Palden Gyatso with Tsering Shakya, Fire Under the Snow: True Story of a Tibetan Monk, The Harvill Press, 1997

Thupten Khetsun, Memories of Life in Lhasa Under Chinese Rule, Columbia University Press, New York, 2008.

Tashi Khedrub, Adventures of a Tibetan Fighting Monk, edited by Tadeusz Skorupski, compiled by Hugh Richardson (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 1998), P91-96

Alo Chonzed, Bod kyi gnas lugs bden 'dzin sgo phye ba’I lde mig zhes by aba alo chos mdzad kyi gdamz, spyi lo 1920 nas 1982 bar (The key that opens the door of truth to the Tibetan situation) self-published, Australia. 1983

Sonam Tashi, bhod dmag gchig ge me tsay The Life of a Tibet Soldier: Biography of Kusung Rupon Sonam Tashi, self-published, Dharamshala 2004.

Takla Phuntsok Tashi, Dmetse nyung-wa brtsod-pa, (The Conflict of Life’s Experience) Three volumes, Vol 2., Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, 1995.

Drapchi Captain Kalsang Dadul, Zhidrag gi seeshu drup pae zay byang My Accomplishments in Peace and War., Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamshala, 2001. I interviewed him at length at his home in Dharamshala in 1989.

Tsongkha Lhamo Tsering, RESISTANCE VOL 4: An Account of the Establishment of the Tibetan National Volunteer Defence Force in Mustang and Operations Against the Communist Chinese Inside Tibet, 1960-1974, AMI Books, 2003. Pp. 73-74.

Shawo Lobsang Dhargay, dpyid nyi ring po la drod gsum grang gsum yod/ mi tshe'i ring po la skyid gsum sdug gsum byung, Norbulingka Tibetan Cultural Institute, Dharamshala, 2008. He served and Norbulingka defender, guarded gates, wounded, arrested and sent to laogai).

Tenpa Soepa, 20 Years of My Life in China’s Death Camp, Author House, Bloomington IN, 2008

Tashi Khedrup, Adventures of a Tibetan Fighting Monk, ed. Tadeusz Skorupski, comp. Hugh Richardson (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 1998), P91-96. Check also "Tashi Khedrup: A Sera Dopdop" by José Ignacio Cabezón.

Geshe Lhundup Sopa (autobiography), Like a Walking Dream, Wisdom Publications, 2012. Mentions that many monks from Sera went to the Potala and Shol to get guns. Many did get weapons and fought the Chinese. Chinese fired machine guns on those who tried to return to Sera with the weapons. Artillery 2:30 to light. Shelling Restarted at 8:30

Rinchen Dolma Taring, Daughter of Tibet, Wisdom, Boston 1986, pp 257-260, 297, 299

Juchen Thupten Namgyal, palden kalon tresur juchen thuptan namgyal chok ge kutse lo rgyus dang drel wae nye rabs bhod kyi byjung wa brjod pae tam tsok se pae melong shes bya. The Mirror of the Life Story of former Senior Kalon Juchen Thupten Namgyal, and related happenings pertaining to Tibetan Affairs, 20volumes, self published 2013, Chauntra, HP India.

Yuthok Tsering Dolkar, Yab gzhis gyu-thok sa dbang dhampa bkra shis don grub mchog gi sku tshe’I byung w ache lod tsam ba che long tsam ma cos lhug par brjod pa bzhugs so. Biographical Account of Yabshi Sawang Tashi Dhondup, AMI books Dharamshala, 2002

Samdup Photang Tenzin Dhondup, Me tsae rba rlabs hgrug po (the Powerful Waves of my Life) self published, N Delhi, 1987

Dewatsang Kunga Samten, The Flight At the Cuckoo’s Behest: The Life and Times of a Tibetan Freedom Fighter, Paljor Publications, New Delhi 1997

Gashi, Tsering Dorje Phariwa, The Four Loves of Phari: An Autobiography and Other Writings, Pig Mountain Publications, Toronto, 2013. Writes “Lobsang Yeshi was leader of Nose Society.”

Jampa Kalden Aukatsang, My lifelong civil and military service to the Tibetan cause. (metsae ring bhod chi dhon ched zhi-drak gi las gan lang rem), Oral History Series 38, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Dharamshala, 2015

Peking Review issues for 1959 on marxist.org.

Shan Chao Lhasa Diary

Concerning the Question of Tibet, Foreign Language Press, Peking, 159 (All official statements and reports.)

Tibetan Interviews, Anna Louise Strong, Peking 1959 Captain Yang King-hwei (V. The Lhasa Rebellion) account, pp.105–129.

When Serfs Stood Up in Tibet, Anna Louise Strong, New World Press, Peking 1965, (IV. The March Uprising.) pp. 57–86. Two accounts by PLA soldiers of the attack on “Yowang Hill”.

The Timely Rain Stuart & Roma Gelder, 1964, pp. 210–224. (26. Rebellion in Lhasa) First mortar shell 216 (mocking disbelief).

Chang Kuohua (Zhang Guohua), “Tibet Returns to the Bosom of the Motherland (Revolutionary Reminiscences)”, South China Morning Post, No 2854, 6 November 1962.

LIFE Magazine, May 4 1959. “Miraculous Escape of the Dalai Lama”

Time Magazine, Cover Photo & Story April 20 1959. “The Escape that Rocked the Reds”

Readers Digest, “From the Land of Lost Content.” Noel Barber

Peking Review, Lhasa Diary (Shan Chao)

Patterson, George N. “The Situation in Tibet” The China Quarterly, No. 6. (Apr.-Jun., 1961), pp 81–86.

Kallie Szczepanski , “The Tibetan Uprising of 1959”, About Education

Langdun Gyatso, “The Lhasa Uprising”, Tibetan Review, March 1969, pp 3-7.

Dawa Norbu, “The 1959 Tibetan Rebellion: An Interpretation”, China Quarterly, no. 77, March 1979, pp.74–93.

Phuntsok Wangyal, “The Revolt of 1959”, Tibetan Review, July – August 1974.

Jamyang Norbu, “Unquiet Memories: The Tibetan Resistance and the Role of the CIA”, June 30th, 1994

Jamyang Norbu, “March Winds”, Shadow Tibet, March 6th, 2009 .

Jamyang Norbu “March Madness, Commemorating the 56 Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day”, Shadow Tibet, March 9th, 2015

Youdon Aukatsang “The Lion From Chamdo”, March 7, 2013. Phayul.com