The Uprising effectively ended on the 22nd of March, when Chinese tanks rolled into Lhasa from Damshung and Nagchukha. A number of buildings in the Norbulinka were damaged and three completely destroyed, though not the Dalai Lama’s main palace. Many buildings in the Shol hamlet were also damaged. The Potala Palace was partially damaged and the main mausoleum of the 13th Dalai Lama (sidung chemo) damaged by one artillery round. The Medical Center and Temple complex on the Chakpori mountain was completely destroyed by artillery fire. The Ramoche Temple was also heavily damaged as was the Jokhang, though not to such an extent. Many other buildings and houses in the city were damaged, including Chinese offices. Many thousands of Tibetans soldiers, and civilians, men and women were killed and many wounded. Many hundreds were killed trying to escape from the city and attempting to cross the Kyichu River at the Ramgang Ferry which the Chinese had covered with a machine gun emplacement.